In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Creative Writer's Boot Camp


Produce and revise new work in this supportive environment, where you also learn to contend with your inner critic and develop a 30-day writing plan.


What you can learn.

  • Produce and revise new work based on prompts, exercises, and guidance
  • Get information on how to continue your writing practice with opportunities near and far
  • Give and receive supportive feedback on works in progress with an eye toward further development and revision
  • Draft a 30-day writing plan to guide your work after class ends

About this course:

In this Writers Studio intensive, writers produce and revise new work, deepen their knowledge of the craft of writing, gain a comprehensive understanding of how to move forward with their writing vis-à-vis publishing, retreats and conferences, and further workshops. During the workshop, we devote time to the practice of safe, supportive community feedback. In addition to writing and craft, Creative Writing Boot Camp offers dedicated time to helping writers recognize and neutralize the undermining powers of resistance and the Inner Critic. The culminating project of this workshop is the creation of a 30-Day Writing Plan, designed to support writers for continued success with a sustainable writing practice.

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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