UCLA Extension facilities are closed January 9-18. All in-person instruction will be remote (live online).

Community Safety

Your Safety is our Concern

UCLA Extension is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its students, instructors, and staff at all locations where we offer instruction. We also recognize that the safest community is one in which there is a sense of shared responsibility. Our relatively low crime statistics are not wholly an accident of location and excellent policing. We recognize and congratulate our students, staff, and instructors who every day contribute to our community's safety by taking some very simple steps:

  • Remember to lock your car.
  • When leaving, try to walk with other students back to parking structures. Use well-trafficked routes around the campus.
  • Have your keys in hand so you need not linger before entering your vehicle.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. At UCLA, take note of the many "blue hood" emergency call boxes around the campus. Make a mental note of the locations of restaurants and other public gathering places.
  • Remember that "911" from any campus or office phone will work for police, fire, and medical emergencies.

Campus Escorts

CSO escorts are available free of charge to walk with students, faculty, staff or visitors from dusk until 1am between campus buildings, local living areas or Westwood Village within the approximate boundaries of Sunset Boulevard to the north, Hilgard to the east, Wilshire to the south, and Veteran to the west. To request an escort, please call (310) 794-WALK (x 49255 from campus phones) 15 minutes prior to leaving.

To become better informed about campus crime statistics, crime prevention, and public safety, we recommend further reading at the UC Police Department's website. Under the tab Reports and Statistics, you will find crime statistics relating to the campus and our off-campus centers, along with security policies and other information maintained as mandated by the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. To obtain a hard copy of the most recent crime statistics report, contact the UCLA Police Department at (310) 825-1491.


Smoking and other uses of tobacco products are not permitted in UCLA Extension centers, or on the UCLA campus, including its buildings, parking structures, grounds, streets, and pedestrian walkways.

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