In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Advanced Novel Revision Techniques


Before an agent ever gets hold of your novel, you must go through numerous revisions to present your best possible effort. As F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said, writing is rewriting, and the story of how he transformed his…


What you can learn.

  • Identify and address problems in your manuscript draft
  • Review structure, character, voice, language, and other elements to ensure your draft gets stronger
  • Complete a thorough revision of one section of your novel in a supportive workshop of peers
  • Leave class with a plan of attack for further revisions

About this course:

Before an agent ever gets hold of your novel, you must go through numerous revisions to present your best possible effort. As F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said, writing is rewriting, and the story of how he transformed his draft manuscript Trimalchio into the enduring masterpiece The Great Gatsby is not only a testament to the value of assiduous revision, but will form the narrative backbone of this workshop. By combining in-class exercises, close readings, workshopping, and a careful study of the Gatsby revisions, you learn how to attack problems in your novel-in-progress, whether in structure, character, voice, or language. Whether it's finding the right word or the right point of view, the sometimes intimidating--and rewarding--job of the novelist is demystified. You leave the course having thoroughly revised at least one problem section of your novel, with a clear plan for attacking the remainder ahead of you, and a strong, supportive cohort behind you.

Admission to this course is by application only and the selection process is competitive. It is recommended that students take intermediate-level courses prior to submitting their work. When this course is open for enrollment, click "See Details" for application guidelines and quarterly application deadlines.

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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