In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Women in Science: Overcoming the Matilda Effect and Achieving Equality

GENINT 721.751

Osher (50+). In this course, we explore the obstacles and achievements of women in the field of science.

Live Online
Starting at $15.00
As few as 1 day

About this course:

Rosalind Franklin, Vera Rubin, and Barbara McClintock made groundbreaking contributions to science and helped change the world, yet their names remain largely unknown. This phenomenon is referred to as the Matilda Effect, in which women's scientific achievements are downplayed, ignored, or attributed to men. This is not a relic of the past; current studies reveal persistent gender bias where their work is cited less frequently, and they face harassment in the workplace. Join us in an exploration of the challenges women face while pursuing careers in science, often resulting in limited access to education, laboratories, and funding or forcing them to work in secrecy. We examine why pioneering women have been written out of science history, but we also celebrate the countless individuals who have overcome and shaped the scientific landscape of today. No background in science is required, just curiosity and a desire to stimulate your mind. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to the video for 30 days.

Fall 2024 Schedule

Date & Time
Monday 1:00PM - 3:00PM PT
See Details
Instructor: Marc Olevin
Live Onlineformat icon
Location: Remote Classroom
Open to the public. Plus members pay no fee for this course. Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed. Please download a free version of zoom at to participate in this course.
Refund Deadline
No refunds after No drop request allowed after enrollment
Mon Oct 28, 2024
1:00PM PT - 3:00PM PT
Remote Classroom

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