In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

A Taste of Hummus

GENINT 731.529

Osher (50+). In this course, we watch a demonstration of how to make hummus in a variety of ways and taste the results.

In Person
Starting at $15.00
As few as 1 day

About this course:

Traditionally made with ground chickpeas and sesame paste, hummus has been a delicious staple in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East going back to Biblical times. The Jordanians, Syrians, Greeks, Israelis, Lebanese, Egyptians, and Palestinians argue about who made hummus first and who makes it better. Today in Los Angeles, hummus is edging out guacamole as everyone’s favorite spread/snack/dish/food. In this course, former food writer Sharon Boorstin welcomes UCLA grad and current food writer (Food & Wine, LA Eater) Tanooz Sassooni, to explore the joys of hummus. They demonstrate how to make hummus in a variety of ways—using canned or dried chickpeas; and adding black beans, olives, and more. Instead of show and tell, this class promises to be a show and taste experience.  

Winter 2025 Schedule

Date & Time
Friday 10:00AM - 12:00PM PT
Future Offering (Opens November 04, 2024 12:00:00 AM)
See Details
Instructor: Sharon Boorstin
In Personformat icon
Location: UCLA Extension Gayley Center in Westwood
Open to the public. Plus members pay no fee for this course. Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed. 
Refund Deadline
No refunds after No drop request allowed after enrollment
Fri Mar 21, 2025
10:00AM PT - 12:00PM PT
UCLA Extension Gayley Center in Westwood
UCLA Extension Gayley Center 119

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