In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Educating School-Age Children After Covid

EDUC 734.8

An overview of the conditions in which elementary-age students have returned to their classrooms with insight into the academic and social emotional gaps of the adjustment period.


What you can learn.

  • Learn how to respond to the different needs of students
  • Identify foundational gaps, academic and social
  • Learn to implement interventions in the classroom
  • Prepare to communicate with parents an action plan of support
  • Master how to embed social skills daily

About this course:

This course provides an overview of the conditions in which elementary-age students have returned to their classrooms. Highlighted are insights into the inevitable academic and social emotional gaps that account for an adjustment period. Instruction also details strategies for teachers to respond with practical academic interventions and embed social skills into the daily curriculum to build a sense of belonging and community.

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