In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Coping with Covid: How to Teach Neurodiverse Adults Online

EDUC 734.9

Explore what Pathway has learned from the Covid pandemic. 


What you can learn.

  • Review the student response to shifting from in-person to online learning
  • Discover tools that can create a more thoughtful online classroom
  • Learn how jobs or internships can be adjusted when they must be done from home
  • Learn about changes we continue to implement as we get back to in-person learning

About this course:

This course explores how lessons learned from the Covid pandemic improved the Pathway program at UCLA Extension. Adjusting our teaching methods during this time created many improvements still implemented today. Instruction highlights the online tools used to improve classes for neurodiverse learners, while also demonstrating the use of Pathway's model of person-centered learning in a pandemic-affected world.

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