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Margaret Meloni

Margaret Meloni

Dr. Margaret Meloni’s experience in project management spans over 18 years. Currently, she is the owner and leader of pmStudent.com. Margaret is a contributing author to the book 101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career where she addressed the topic of conflict resolution. She has also been called upon to contribute to articles in PM Network®, the monthly magazine covering trends, tools, and best practices in project management. Her blog is consistently listed on ‘Top 50’ project management blogs.

Dr. Meloni holds a Master’s of Business Administration in Information Technology from California State University Long Beach. She also holds a Master's degree in Buddhist Studies and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from University of the West. She is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP)®.

She was a recipient of UCLA Extension’s Distinguished Instructor Award, as well as the UC Irvine Dean’s Outstanding Service Award.

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