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TMP Course Descriptions: Period 2

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The course schedule below is for the next session: Sunday–Friday, September 8-13, 2024

Period 2: 10:20 AM - 12:20 PM

Course Overview

Personalize your focus of study by selecting a course from the offerings below. Scroll down to read the full course descriptions and instructor profiles for each option.

Select One  
B1 Understanding the Emotional Process of Leading Change
Led by: Chip Espinoza, Ph.D., Dean of Strategy & Innovation at Vanguard University
B2 Reinvent Yourself and Thrive
Led by: Terry Schmidt, MBA, President of Management Pro
B3 Science of Excellence
Led by: Robert Maurer, Ph.D., Science of Excellence
B4 Fostering Engaged and Inclusive Work Cultures
Led by: Kim Jones, MBA, MA in Anthropology, Kim Jones Alliance LLC

B1 | Understanding the Emotional Process of Leading Change

Explore why people and the organizations they work in struggle to embrace and execute change initiatives. Examine the role of the managerial leader in relation to the organization's emotional process when change is initiated.

Led by: Chip Espinoza, Ph.D., Dean of Strategy & Innovation, Vanguard University

General Summary: Most organizations do not lack analytics, ideas, or change processes–they struggle with the people side of executing. This course promises you will better understand why change fails and the adjustments you can make to lead change successfully.

Primary objective: Help students understand the emotional processes that lead to engagement with and commitment to change. As organizations and the environments in which they operate get more complex, change management is becoming exponentially important.

Outcomes: While the focus is not on change theory, students will be introduced to a cursory review to understand the emotional process’s significance better as it relates to change. Students will learn to embrace resistance, be a non-anxious presence during change, understand how leaders get sabotaged and diagnose systemic dynamics that undermine change initiatives.

Course Outline:

Day One: We will explore change theory and popular change processes. Particular emphasis will be on white water, a metaphor change leadership expert Peter Vaill uses to explain the dynamic environment in which change occurs. He argues, “No sooner do you begin to digest one change than another one comes along to keep things unstuck.” We will discuss why people naturally resist change and strategies for embracing the resistance.

Day Two: We will cover why leaders resist embracing change feedback. Ironically, the more things change for the better, the more discontent people become. Abraham Maslow referred to the phenomenon as the Theory of Rising Expectation. We will learn strategies for receiving critical feedback and interpreting it. We apply the concept of Force Field Analysis to a change initiative.

Day Three: We will discuss how leaders create a sense of urgency about the need to change. Ronald Heifetz suggests, “The role of leadership is to create enough discomfort that people feel the need to change and to create a safe enough environment in which they can change.” We will talk about how to create a safe environment for change.

Day Four: We will explore the concept of incremental change and its relation to transformational change. The day will focus on the managerial leader as a change agent and exercising transformational leadership. The four stages of transformational leadership critical to leading change are self-leadership, one-on-one leadership, team leadership, and organizational leadership. We will discuss each of the stages and self-reflect on strengths and weaknesses.

Day Five: We will discuss the importance of empowerment in the execution of change. Recognizing when people and organizations are stuck is critical to understanding how to initiate and manage change. The life cycle of organizations, products, and processes indicates how emotionally ready an organization is.

The content of this course is theoretically based, and practitioner-proven (the why and how of successfully leading change). Participant learning will result in self-efficacy and observed competence.

Chip Espinoza

Chip Espinoza, Ph.D.,
Dean of Strategy & Innovation at Vanguard University

Dean of Strategy & Innovation, Vanguard University Chip Espinoza is a nationally recognized expert on the Millennial generation, a content expert for CNN on the subject of Millennials in the workplace and a consultant for The Boeing Company, Microsoft, Schneider Electric and Special Olympics, among others. 

Mr. Espinoza has been featured on Fox News, CBS Radio, Fast Company, Fortune, and Harvard Business Review and serves as the academic director of the Organizational Psychology and Nonprofit Leadership programs at Concordia University Irvine.

He was recently named a top 15 global thought leader on the future of work by the Economic Times. Chip co-authored Managing the Millennials: Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today’s Workforce, Millennials@Work: The 7 Skills Every Twenty-Something Needs To Achieve Greatness At Work, and Millennials Who Manage: How To Overcome Workplace Perceptions and Become A Great Leader.

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B2 | Reinvent Yourself and Thrive

Discover how to unlock your true life purpose, and how to perform at a high level of excellence. Experience this unusual learning adventure—if you dare.

Led by:  Terry Schmidt, MBA, Management Concept Inc.

This course provides an upbeat and supportive environment where you will learn to unlock your true potential and perform at new levels of personal and professional excellence. You’ll explore inner terrain that we don’t normally have the opportunity to travel.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discover your true life mission and learn how to harness your inner resource toward achieving it
  • Create a customized leadership identity and integrate that “prototype of excellence” into your nervous system
  • Understand how your early heroes and role models imprinted your values
  • Replace limiting paradigms with empowering beliefs and integrate new behaviors into your daily actions
  • Apply emotional intelligence strategies to step into optimum states of motivation, action, and high performance
  • Learn to confidently take action in uncomfortable situations despite fear or embarrassment
Terry D. Schmidt

Terry D. Schmidt, MBA
President, Management Pro

Terry Schmidt is a business strategy consultant who helps leaders and teams set clear goals and execute projects which achieve great results. 

Mr. Schmidt is president of ManagementPro.Com, a Seattle-based virtual organization with a world-wide roster of associate consultants. He earned his BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Washington and his MBA from Harvard.

Terry has worked in 42 countries and his clients include Fortune 100s’s, fast-growing smaller companies, the national research laboratories, and virtually every federal government agency. Before starting his own company, he worked for Boeing, NASA, the US Department of Transportation, and USAID/Thailand.

Terry’s nine published books topics include career/life strategy, marketing, and business strategy topics. His most popular is Strategic Project Management Made Simple (Wiley), included in this course.

He teaches strategy and execution at leading corporate universities and in executive management programs worldwide. He is the senior instructor in the UCLA Technical Management Program and also teaches at the MIT Professional Institute. Terry has trained over 25,000 professionals, and his programs have earned a reputation for being lively, innovative and effective.

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B3 | Science of Excellence 

Learn how research has enlightened us to the skills necessary for success in work, health, and relationships. Understand the four most essential skills for effective leadership, and how to use them.

Led by: Robert Maurer, Ph.D., Science of Excellence

Psychology has traditionally studied individuals, couples, and organizations in difficulty. Most theories and therapies are based on the work with these groups. But this problem-oriented focus has limited the usefulness of psychology in helping people to create and sustain success. There is a body of research that has sought to understand the traits and behaviors of people and organizations that succeed in the areas of career; building healthy, productive work relationships; and maintaining good physical health. The studies reach surprisingly consistent conclusions regarding the skills that allow us to create, maintain, and enhance success. In this hands-on course, you learn the skills of creating and sustaining excellence in the workplace through a lively mix of lecture, film, live demonstrations, case studies, and role-play scenarios.

Topics include:

  • The 4 Skills of Successful People and Organizations
  • How Successful People Change
  • Strategies for Coping with Adversity in the Workplace
  • The Essential Skill to Look for in an Employee or Colleague
  • Preventing Conflict and Maximizing Collaboration
  • Dealing with the Emotional Challenges of Managing People
bob maurer

Robert Maurer, Ph.D.
CEO and Founder, Science of Excellence

Robert Maurer is the CEO and founder of the Science of Excellence, a consulting firm. His clients include American Express, Costco, Disney, Mazda, Wellpoint, Pepsi, the U.S. Navy and Air Force, as well as local government throughout the UK.

As the director of Behavioral Sciences for Family Medicine, Spokane and a faculty member with the University of Washington School of Medicine, Dr. Maurer has studied how individuals, families, and organizations sustain their excellence in health, relationship, and work. He is also an Associate Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Medicine.

Dr. Maurer has appeared on ABC’s “20/20” in connection with his work on conflict resolution. A Los Angeles Times article profiled Dr. Maurer’s seminars on creativity. His book on creativity and change, One Small Step Can Change Your Life, was published in the fall of 2004 and now appears in 14 languages.

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B4 | Fostering Engaged and Inclusive Work Cultures

Retaining top STEM talent is one of the biggest challenges facing organizations today. Cultivating work cultures where such talent can thrive is a critical mandate of effective 21st century leadership.

Led by: Kim Jones, MBA, MA in Anthropology, Kim Jones Alliance LLC

In this highly interactive class, you will develop actionable strategies for building your brand as an inclusive leader, learn effective approaches for addressing the dynamics that undermine engagement and inclusion in many STEM environments, and build the skills you’ll need to lead the cultural changes that foster retention and top team performance while enabling all employees to thrive.

Leading in the 21st century is characterized by several challenges that result from highly disruptive market conditions and a rapidly changing workforce. The days when managers primarily control output and resources are behind us; and a new leadership mandate is in place that requires leaders to be inclusive, adaptive, flexible, empathetic, and fair to attract and retain top talent. Achieving this mandate is particularly challenging in STEM industries, which have been observed to operate in ways that are non-inclusive and inhospitable to people in underrepresented groups.

But there is good news for leaders: those who develop the skills and cultures that foster inclusion and engagement will create more positive environments, stronger collaboration, and better performance and retention outcomes with less effort. In this course, you will learn how to achieve these outcomes through applying the principles of strengths-based leadership, positive organizational scholarship, and emotionally intelligent leadership in environments that are psychologically safe, all while discovering how to bring your most authentic leadership brand to life in ways that encourage high employee engagement and inclusion.

Topics include:

  • What effective leadership looks like in the era of DEI, marketplace disruption, and workforce disengagement
  • Learning your top strengths and how to channel them toward building an authentic leadership brand that engages your team(s)
  • Developing skills for leading yourself and others using the principles of growth mindset and strengths-based leadership
  • Understanding how to cultivate high emotional intelligence to create stronger connections with your team(s)
  • Learning effective strategies for leveling the playing field for underrepresented groups
  • Developing the skills and strategies needed to lead effective culture change.
Kim Jones Profile Picture

Kim Jones, MBA, MA in Anthropology
Kim Jones Alliance LLC

Before rising to divisional CIO at Farmers Insurance Company, Kim held multiple executive level roles at Fortune 250 companies over her 25-year career.

She now coaches leaders to reach their highest professional potential, focusing on working with professional women seeking to rise in the leadership ranks. Kim also provides executive coaching to leaders looking to make greater impact through their work, is a speaker on core 21st century leadership skills and building inclusive cultures, and is a gender equity advisor to companies committed to fostering the advancement and wellbeing of women in work. 

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Links to other course description and instructor bio pages:

Period 1 Period 3 Period 4 
female instructor in front of class

Register Now

You will select one course from each of the four periods to create your customized schedule.

Please indicate on the reservation form your second and third choices in the event your first selections are not available.

Next Session: Sunday–Friday, September 8-13, 2024

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