The Top 5 Strategies for Communicating Data Insights to C-Suite

MGMT 715.30

Discover key steps in speaking the language of Data Science/AI to bridge the growing gap between analytics and business needs.


What you can learn.

  • Discover common problem-solving pitfalls to avoid
  • Align analysis with business requests
  • Use data storytelling and visualization for effective communication
  • Understand how to listen and respond to decision makers

About this course:

With the relentless proliferation and complexity of data being generated today, organizations are increasingly recognizing the power of data to make information rapidly accessible and impactful. However, one of the biggest challenges in fostering a data-driven culture is the “language barrier” between data professionals and the C-suite. Data scientists frequently struggle presenting their results and do not fully understand the business process that they are trying to optimize. Executives are often overwhelmed by the intricate mathematics and have trouble conveying their needs in a logical manner that can be modeled. Companies must bridge this mounting gap between data inundation and business understanding to unlock the true potential of their data and drive significant business impact.

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