Principles and Methods of Teaching Elementary Reading
This online course fufills the Developing English Language Skills requirement for multiple subject teachers. Approval from your credential program advisor required before enrolling in this course.
What you can learn.
- Understand the interaction and significance of reading, writing, listening, and speaking in relation to literacy development
- Develop a balanced, comprehensive, and integrated reading/language arts program that is sensitive and responsive to individual needs of all students
About this course:
This course fulfills California requirements for (a) a subject-specific pedagogy course for teaching reading in a Multiple Subject Credential program (CA Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential Program Standards, 2017) and (b) a course in developing English language skills for beginning readers for credentialed Single Subject teachers who want to add a multiple subject credential (CTC document CL-621A 4/2017). Topics include assessment and instruction of foundational reading skills in the early grades, strategies to develop reading and comprehension of narrative and informational text to build discipline-specific knowledge, methods of instruction that are sensitive and responsive to the individual needs of all students, and selection of appropriate instructional materials and assessments. In order to complete assignments, participants must have access to at least 2-3 learners in the same grade level (in a classroom, after-school program or other setting).Corporate Education
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