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Wellness Resources: Sexual Misconduct & Trauma

What is Trauma?

woman hugging herself with rays of sunlight

Trauma is any event that causes extreme fear or distress that we do not have the capacity to cope with. It can be one incident or can happen over a period of time.

Trauma and the body

When we encounter traumatic stress, it can rewire our brains to start functioning as if we are in danger all the time, even long after the trauma has passed. While coping mechanisms like fight or flight, hypervigilance, and memory loss help us survive during the trauma, they become harmful in our everyday lives.

This section will teach you a bit more about how trauma shows up in our bodies and how to begin developing more positive coping mechanisms.

Sexual Misconduct

UCLA Mandatory Reporting and Confidential Resources

All UCLA Extension staff are mandatory reporters when it comes to certain sexual and violent crimes.

If you wish to report an incident, you may speak to any employee or use the Incident Reporting Form to disclose. If you want to speak to someone confidentially without reporting, please refer to the list of confidential resources below.

Title IX Office
2255 Murphy Hall
(310) 206-3417

Mohammed Cato
UCLA Title IX Director

Melissa Turkington
UCLA Extension Title IX Investigator


It is our shared responsibility to speak out and intervene in situations where there is a possibility of sexual misconduct.

All UCLA Extension students are required to take this primary prevention training in order to learn how to be an active bystander and to help make our campus community a safer place.

If you have not completed the training, please enroll in Sexual Assault Prevention for Adult Learners.

Post-Traumatic Stress Self-Assessment Tool

Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS)

If you'd like to speak to a wellness advisor at UCLA Extension who will help you find the appropriate support, email us at CSR@uclaextension.edu.

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