Personal Essay III
This advanced workshop helps you polish existing essay drafts into powerful pieces suitable for publication.
What you can learn.
- Revise your essay drafts into powerful, sellable pieces
- Analyze markets and trends to locate where your writing fits best
- Learn how to submit your work for publication
- Give and receive feedback in a group of collaborative peers
About this course:
Designed for those familiar with the personal essay form and who are already convinced of its unique power to reach the masses, this advanced workshop focuses on revising existing works, analyzing current markets and trends and submitting for publication. You establish yourself as a professional by completing hands-on assignments rooted in the real world, participating in extensive peer review and receiving practical support.WRITING X 422.2 Personal Essay II or comparable workshop experience.
Admission to this course is by application only and the selection process is competitive. It is recommended that students take intermediate-level courses prior to submitting their work. When this course is open for enrollment, click "See Details" for application guidelines and quarterly application deadlines.
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