In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

UCLA Extension Teacher Induction Virtual Recruitment Fair

EDUC 710.1

Please join us for UCLA Extension Teacher Induction - California Clear Credential Virtual Recruitment Fair, where we will provide teachers that hold a preliminary CA credential with more information on our induction program to clear their credential and answer questions. 


Why you should attend.

  • Get an overview of induction and what steps educators must take in order to clear their credential
  • Understand the differences between our School Mentor Track and Univesity Mentor Track
  • Gain insight into our Early Completion Option
  • Learn about our program's mission of social justice and supporting research-based inquiry
  • Navigate the process for applying to our program

About this course:

We welcome educators and site administrators to come and learn about our teacher induction program, application process, and meet program staff. 
Female teacher mentoring boy student

Clear Your Credential Online

The UCLA Extension Teacher Induction-California Clear Credential program is an individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning for newly credentialed teachers. 

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Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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