In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Landscape Design 5: Planting Design

ARCH X 472.5

Ecological and cultural contexts are examined as determinants for using plants in design.


What you can learn.

  • Reinforce understanding of the essential role of plants in providing environmental services as well human comfort
  • Increase the depth of biophilia fundamental to an effective landscape
  • Understand and manage the conflicts between land stewardship, appearance, cost, maintainability, and the public’s health, safety, and welfare
  • Effectively explain design concepts through written narrative, graphics, and oral presentation
  • Create a high-quality planting design presentation for your portfolio

About this course:

In this course, plants and plant groups are studied as basic design elements in the landscape. Instruction emphasizes the arrangement of plant materials for defining, sequencing and articulating space. Ecological and cultural contexts are examined as determinants for sharply focused design concepts.
ARCH X 472.9 Landscape Design 4: Environmental Analysis and Planning, ARCH X 472.8A Plant Identification: Trees and ARCH X 472.8B Plant Identification: Shrubs 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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