In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Horticultural Therapy Program Management

BIOLGY X 466.3

An introduction to program management strategies and plans that lead to the establishment of an effective and successful horticultural therapy program.


What you can learn.

  • Learn the professional skills and applications to develop and apply effective horticultural therapy treatment goals, objectives, and plans
  • Understand the steps, tools, and factors of consideration for designing and developing therapeutic garden implementations
  • Explore approaches to establishing a professional horticultural therapy practice
  • Develop a working understanding of how to write a business proposal specific to horticultural therapy programming, and strategies for communicating program goals
  • Discover and assess the current state of the profession of horticultural therapy

About this course:

The horticultural therapy program management course teaches students the necessary skills to successfully develop a horticultural therapy program model. Students learn about the various business models and structures that a horticultural therapy program may be based on. Students learn to identify areas of need for programming, develop a budget and safety plan, logistics plan, program plan with desired outcomes, and setting plan/design for a horticultural therapy project proposal. Special considerations is given to marketing and promoting the proposed plan, as well as financial strategies for ensuring the success of a proposed project. This course uses a combination of online learning, guest speakers, field trips and hands-on activities to provide an understanding of the program management strategies and plans that lead to the establishment of an effective and successful horticultural therapy program.

The Horticultural Therapy course series, approved by the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), equips you with the skills to implement evidence-based techniques in specialized treatment and wellness care settings. Learn More

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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