Tim Cummings

Tim Cummings

Tim Cummings, M.F.A., author of the best-selling coming-of-age novel, Alice the Cat. Mr. Cummings’ recent publications include F(r)iction, Scare Street, Lunch Ticket, From Whispers to Roars, Drunk Monkeys, Hare’s Paw, Lit Angels, and Critical Read/RAFT, for which he won the ‘Origins’ contest. His new novel arrives summer of 2025. 

Instructor Statement: Let’s explore the mystery and magic inherent in these magnificent books and stories geared toward younger readers. I like to call them ‘younger minds’ actually, because readers of all ages delve deeply into children’s literature, whether chapter books, middle grade, young adult or new adult. I believe everyone has a core-story, that one book or film or visual or song that entered your soul at some point when you were younger from which, I believe, all other stories spring. Not only the need to absorb others’ stories, but for you to tell your own. Once it’s tapped into, I feel it’s a strong place to start writing from, an energy that you can surf like a wave. We will utilize writing exercises, discussions and other unique curiosities to coax it out. I am here to offer safe, fun, productive spaces for a multitude of writerly voices, existences, identities and intentions. I long to share the endless swarm of information that perpetually buzzes in my head when it comes to story, structure, voice, style, tone, theme and style. These qualities jolt like Frankenstein’s lightning when applied to books and stories for young readers/young minds. It's time to play. Let’s wake the monster.

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