Mitchell Gohman
Mitch Gohman is a freelance web designer and consultant for Sandbox Canvas in Monrovia, CA. While his passion lies in web design, his projects often expand into other areas of designGÇôoffering a well rounded set of skills to every design. Mitch is also well versed in the programming aspects of web applications from clientside to server-side technologies that make for an enriched user experience. Mitch's latest project is an eco-friendly e-newsletter application and website ( which distributes to over 36,000 recipients in the Los Angles area. He also develops and maintains websites for Mt Sierra College, Pride Auto Body, Elite Fitness Bootcamp, Team Crossfit, and many others. Mitch has been teaching for over 6 years and feels there is no better reward than to play a part in another person's growth.
Instructor Schedule
Spring 2025
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