In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.
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Design & Arts

For graphic designers looking to take their skills to the next level. Receive master-level mentoring and instruction to create design solutions across a variety of outputs and mediums. Execute polished, portfolio-level projects that the design industry is clamoring for.
Ignite your creativity and prepare for a career in graphic design. Learn how to think like a designer while developing the visual literacy needed to thrive in a professional setting. Feel confident in your skills through portfolio reviews, a capstone course, mentorship and internship opportunities. The Design Communication Arts (DCA) certificate can be completed online or in the classroom. 
Get a solid foundation in the technical and visual aspects of digital photography. Learn image capture, editing, composition, lighting basics and more from experienced professionals.
Develop compelling and strategic user experiences applicable to every professional field in a fast-growing digital economy. The User Experience (UX) Certificate program provides a thorough education that includes working with industry experts and learning the latest strategies, techniques, and technologies. Format: Online
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