In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

XR Experience Design I

DESMA X 480.22

This class provides a solid foundation in how to design effective and meaningful immersive content. 


What you can learn.

  • Gain an introduction to the origins, trajectories, and current state of immersive experiences
  • Understand the distinction and subtleties between the different types of virtual realities
  • Deep dive into several immersive realities to better understand their functions and considerations
  • Analyze what makes a quality immersive experience

About this course:

Virtual Reality and other forms of immersive media (collectively known as XR) have the potential to enhance people’s lives in innovative and engaging ways. How can creators learn to produce effective and meaningful immersive content? This class provides a solid foundation for understanding what immersive media is, as well as what it can and might be. Covered topics include the origins and distinctive affordances of immersive media, range of media types, concept generation, character integration and how to craft an experience to fit specific goals. Guest speakers in the field will provide practical examples by presenting their work. Students complete research and hands-on projects to explore concepts in greater depth. Students leave the class understanding the basics of crafting quality immersive experiences, and are prepared to take on more advanced studies. A Meta Quest 2 with 256 GB of storage is required for this course. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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