In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Misty Mountains in Zen Style

Pamela Wiedenbeck

About the Artist

Pamela E. Wiedenbeck is president and founder of Plans Made Perfect, LLC where she is a Management Consultant and Project Management Trainer for the Caltech Center for Technology and Management Education. She is an active community volunteer and currently serving on the board of the La Canada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Association where she is the Treasurer and an active float builder. She is the editor of 'With Portia O'er the Door', a memoir collection celebrating the Centennial of The Martha Cook Building at the University of Michigan. She is also the author of ‘Pam, You Not Doing Job’, a collection of personal essays on the art of Consulting and Project Management which was published by Kindle Direct Publishing in 2019. She studies writing through the UCLA Extension and has studied photography through National Geographic workshops. She studies Chinese Brush Painting with Nan Rae, Danny Chen and Henry Li.

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