Evaluate how calculus is applied in physical sciences
Evaluate how calculus is applied in physical sciences
Assess the applications of physics in various biological and biochemical systems
About this course:
Statics and dynamics of forces; motion; and energy, including thermal energy, with applications to biological and biochemical systems. Transferable for UC credit.
Calculus series, such as LIFESCI 30A, 30B or MATH 3A, 3B, 3C (3C may be taken concurrently); or MATH XL 31A, 31B; or equivalent. PHYSICS 5A, 5B, and 5C form a one-year sequence in basic physics for students in the biological and health sciences. Calculus is used throughout. Successful completion of basic calculus courses is a prerequisite for admission to this sequence.
Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing a liability waiver form.
Physics XL 5B and XL 5C will be offered in Winter Quarter and Spring Quarter. Nonscience majors interested in a general physics course should take XL 10 Physics when next offered. Internet access required to retrieve course materials.
Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences.
Enrollment limited to 26 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: April 6, 2025 11:59:59 PM PST.
Enrollment is typically reserved for adult students 18 years of age and older. Students under 18 years of age may receive consent to enroll based on special academic competence and approval by the instructor. If you are a student under 18 years of age, you must submit a request to enroll in the course 8 weeks before the course start date to hss@uclaextension.edu for your request to be considered.
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