In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Proactive and Prepared - Survival of an Upcoming Transaction for Restaurant Company Management

MGMT 795.16B

Join our panel of restaurant executives and industry experts as they discuss some of the hottest topics affecting the restaurant industry today.


Why you should attend.

  • Listen to top restaurant leaders and advisors discuss sell-side M&A
  • Hear fundraising insights from industry executives
  • Discuss how refranchising company units plays a role in preparing for sell-side transactions

About this course:

Join us for part three of our Rebuilding Our Restaurant Industry series for a discussion on how investors, boards, and management might proactively prepare for coming sell-side transactions. Our discussion will cover fiduciary, financial, and operational subjects pertaining to the preparation for a transaction ahead of the beginning of the process. Speakers include restaurant leaders and advisors with significant experience in sell-side restaurant transactions.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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