In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.
Stacy Barrows

Stacy Barrows

Doctor of Physical Therapist, certified Feldenkrais® practitioner and PMA Pilates teacher. Stacy is the inventor of the SmartRoller® series of kinesthetic awareness tools, and the author of the SmartRoller® Guide to Optimal Movement.  She owns Smart Somatic Solutions, a small private practice in Southern California. She teaches weekly Awareness through Movement classes, and has taught internationally to health and fitness professionals. Stacy is enthusiastic to help people find ways to be more confident with movement and their self image. She has published articles for magazines such as Golf for Women, and has been interviewed by Built Lean, Pilates Style and Swimmer Magazine. Throughout her career, her passion has been to bridge the gap between the fitness and wellness communities and to make movement awareness and improvement everyday parts of people's lives.

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