Gordon Grice

Gordon Grice

Instructor Biography:

M.F.A., nonfiction writer is the author of four books including, The Red Hourglass: Lives of the Predators and Deadly Kingdom: The Book of Dangerous Animals. Mr. Grice’s shorter pieces have appeared in The New Yorker, Harper’s, GQ and others. 

Instructor Statement:

I try to see your work from the perspective of a sympathetic yet critical reader, someone who wants to like your work. I ask myself, where will I find the pleasures of this piece once it's finished? Then I try to help you find cleaner, clearer paths to those pleasures. I offer specific technical advice. I suggest examples of techniques that you can look up on your own, often drawn from works outside the genre at hand. My aim is to leave you with a clear picture of what your classmates and I see in your piece as it stands now; several ideas, possibly conflicting ones, about where it might go next; and some concrete suggestions about how to revise toward those possibilities.

Our Students Say It Best:

“Gordon is reliable with his comments and his notes are thoughtful and well-considered. He’s a strong leader of the classroom. He cares about the material and engages with feedback. I would definitely take another class with him!” —Writers’ Program student

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