In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.
emmanuel Probst

Emmanuel Probst

Global Market Researcher, Brand Thought-Leader, and Author

Emmanuel Probst is Global Lead, Brand Thought-Leadership at Ipsos, and the author of Wall Street Journal and USA Today best seller Brand Hacks.

Emmanuel’s background combines over 17 years of market research and marketing experience with strong academic achievements.

At Ipsos, Emmanuel supports numerous Fortune 500 companies by providing them with a full understanding of their customer’s journey. His clients span across a wide range of industries, including consumer packaged goods, retail, financial services, advertising agencies and media outlets.

Emmanuel also teaches Consumer Market Research at UCLA and writes about consumer psychology for numerous publications.

He holds an MBA in Marketing from the University of Hull, United Kingdom and a Doctorate in Consumer Psychology from the University of Nottingham Trent, United Kingdom.


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