In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.

Capstone Project Seminar

ARCH X 472.15C

This seminar takes a student into the research an analysis of their final project idea. Students explore sites, programs, and submit a final capstone proposal and presentation.


What you can learn.

  • Research appropriate sites for potential design solutions
  • Generate a program(s) appropriate in scale and information to illustrate your solution
  • Organize and present materials to communicate the results of research for a large scale project proposal for design in electronic, verbal, and written/graphic formats
  • Incorporate skills, techniques, theory and design processes that demonstrate minimum professional proficiency in landscape architecture graphic design and theory

About this course:

The Capstone Project Seminar is the first of the final two courses in the UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture Program. Based upon the preliminary work completed during this quarter, the student explores a big idea, appropriate sites, and site analysis and begins the iterative process of developing a program, goals and objectives, a schedule and a written proposal. This course is a required prerequisite to the Capstone Project Studio.
Completion of all previous courses in the program sequence.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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