Roberto Marinas

Roberto Marinas

Instructor Biography:

M.F.A., screenwriter/producer whose credits include Lasso, Headgame and Alien Vs. Zombies. His award-winning screenplay Last Road Home was selected for the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival, and he is also a recipient of the Walt Disney Studios Screenwriting Fellowship.

Instructor Statement:

As a screenwriter, it’s my job to engage the reader, to keep the pages turning, so they lose themselves in the world of the script. If I’m lucky, they’ll envision the words on the page as a movie or TV show and ask: “What do I have to do to get this script made?” That’s the first important step in becoming a professional, bridging the gap between your script and the “screen” of the reader’s mind. The way to do this to invoke emotional reactions on a scene to scene basis and build on this momentum to hit important story structure points in a surprising and gratifying way. In a nutshell, you want to be really entertaining! My goal as instructor is to create a safe environment where writers feel confident stepping outside of their comfort zone to take creative risks, explore the boundaries of their artistic process and connect with the joy of writing.

Instructor Schedule
Spring 2025

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