Rebecca Evans

With a background as a corporate accountant of fifteen years, a B.S. Degree in Business Administration with an Accounting Major, and a M.S. of Business Economics with an Accounting Concentration, Rebecca Evans has been teaching accounting in both the online classroom and in the traditional brick and mortar classroom for the past fourteen years. Classes taught include but are not limited to Financial and Managerial Accounting, Computerized and Payroll Accounting, Accounting Theory, Intermediate and Advanced Accounting and Accounting for Nonprofit and Governmental Organizations.


Along with teaching Ms. Evans enjoys curriculum development having researched and developed courses centered on Entrepreneurism, and the Accounting Capstone Experience. She has presented at several regional and national conferences on the topic of entrepreneurism and also on service learning.


In additional to the in-class experience Rebecca Evans works to develop real world experiences for students in the field including the development of several agri-businesses in Haiti and Ethiopia, the institution of several green programs across the State of Virginia, and has helped to rebuild over 91 businesses along coastal Mississippi after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.


Living in Virginia personal interests include gardening, bird watching, travel ,and golf.

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