Pete Hsu

Pete Hsu

M.S., author of the short story collection If I Were the Ocean, I’d Carry You Home and the experimental fiction chapbook There Is A Man. Mr. Hsu’s writing has appeared in The Los Angeles Review, Faultline Journal of Arts and Letters, F(r)iction Magazine and The LA Review of Books.


Instructor Statement:

I believe good writing develops best in a combination of incubation alternated with exposure. In workshop, writers take the writing they’ve generated in private to their fellow participants and rely on their feedback to illuminate both what works and what doesn’t. This is the value of workshop. But this is not always an easy outcome to arrive at. For the workshop to work, participants need to enter the room trusting each other to approach in good faith and with good effort. When they do, it can be a thing of beauty. A group of individual writers synergizes. They surprise each other with their writing, their feedback and their sense of community. The instructor’s role facilitates this synergy. A good teacher invites the seekers, supports the reticent and opens the door to each writer’s artistic vision.

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