Joseph Hower
Joseph Hower has over 35 years of experience in air quality management, including greenhouse gas (GHG) management, regulatory compliance, permitting, litigation support, expert witness work, risk management and pollution control engineering. Specific projects have ranged from Title V permit evaluations to managing the installation and startup of multi-million dollar air pollution control systems. Joe also leads Ramboll Environ's work in the area of emissions trading. His service on the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Advisory Council for nearly five years has provided him with an excellent understanding of regulatory processes. He uses this expertise to negotiate complex technical agreements and permits with agencies, assist facilities with compliance programs and provide technical expertise to litigation teams. Joe teaches air quality permitting courses at the University of California, Los Angeles, and serves on the American Association of Port Authorities Environment Committee, and is a past chair of the West Coast Section of the Air & Waste Management Association. Joe also served as the Chair of the FuturePorts Board of Directors. He is a former member of the CleanTech Orange County Board of Directors, a board member of the Los Angeles County Business Federation and member of the its Environment and Energy Committee, and the BizFed Coalition. Joe holds an MS in mechanical engineering (combustion) from the University of Southern California. Joe is a Board Certified Air Pollution Engineer, and a Professional Engineer licensed in California, Connecticut, Georgia, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas and Virginia.
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