John Alexander

John worked in the financial industry from 1995 until 2011, first as a trader and portfolio manager for a hedge fund, and subsequently as an institutional sales trader. Later in life, he decided to become a lawyer, and is now working for a law firm, dealing primarily with investment company and private fund regulation issues.

While in law school, John had the good fortune to work as an intern at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), both at the Division of Investment Management in DC, helping Commission staff with regulatory matters, as well as at the Division of Enforcement in Los Angeles, where he assisted in the investigation and enforcement of insider trading and other violations of securities laws.

John has been happily teaching Finance courses at UCLA Extension since 2011. He holds a BA in Mathematics from Pomona College, an MBA focusing on Finance from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, and a JD from the UCLA School of Law.

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