Jennifer Chukwu

Jennifer Chukwu

Instructor Biography: 

M.F.A., writer and visual artist from the Midwest and author of The Unfortunates. Ms. Chukwu was a 2019 Lambda Literary Fellow. Her work has appeared in New Delta Review, Black Warrior Review, DIAGRAM and TAYO, and she has presented her writing and art at University of Wisconsin-Madison, National Louis University, The University of Manchester and elsewhere.

Instructor Statement: 

It’s a marathon, not a race, but no one said that you have to run it alone or that it does not have to be joyful and fun! As an instructor, my first goal is to develop a community of trust in our workshop. With trust, we can bring our true selves and our raw emotions concerning our writing into the classroom. We will strengthen our empathy and active listening skills so we can build stronger characters and worlds that feel representative of YOUR reality. We will use visual and sound art as the building blocks for creative writing exercises. And of course, we will be a community of support filled with creative excitement, innovation and brainstorming grounded in how to strengthen our writing. Finally, we will develop plans for revision of your work so that you leave the classroom knowing where you can go next because the writer’s journey never ends!

Instructor Schedule

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