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Jackie Kelley

Early childhood educator, research specialist, and higher education Instructor, Jackie's career focuses on mentoring students and teachers, conducting research, and supporting children and families. From 2008-2013, she taught at the University of Missouri, Columbia where she studied Human Development and Family Studies under Jean Ispa and Jessie Bradley. Her research into children's pretend play and Kindergarten Readiness was part of The National Head Start Research Convention and helped her enroll in a doctorate program at MU. After a few years in that program she returned to California where she taught at Santa Monica College, Los Angeles City College, Cal Poly Pomona, and served as a consultant at Los Angeles County of Education. For the past ten years she's been working at UCLA Extension and La Canada Preschool, raising her two young children and volunteering at the local public school in her neighborhood. She plans to continue her career mentoring TK teachers, aspiring preschool teachers, and becoming more involved in parent education at local community colleges.

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