Building Self-Esteem in Young Children

EDUC X 312.11

Learn strategies to create a classroom environment that supports the development of healthy social and emotional development and a positive sense of self in children.


What you can learn.

  • Learn how to support healthy social and emotional development and a positive sense of self in young children
  • Understand the role of interpersonal relationships in the classroom that impact self-esteem
  • Support development of self-actualization in young children

About this course:

Designed to help teachers understand how a child's interpersonal growth in the context of his/her interpersonal relationships develops a sense of self and self-esteem. Learn strategies to create a classroom environment that supports the development of a positive self-image in children. Applies toward Title 22 Regulations and Title 5 Child Development Permits and is an elective course for both the Early Childhood Lead Teacher Certificate and/or Early Childhood Administration Certificates. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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