Requirements Elicitation and Analysis

MGMT X 430.713

This course builds on prior certificate courses and focuses on techniques to plan and manage the elicitation process, critical to a successful business analysis, which demands thorough requirements elicitation and analysis.


What you can learn.

  • Understand elicitation, the process of drawing out information or a response to gain understanding of the organizational problem/opportunity process
  • Learn techiques for improving documentation, communication, and management of requirements for increased project success
  • Learn the formal requirements elicitation process, which spans from building the necessary project team to sign-offs of all key individuals, departments and team members

About this course:

This course focuses on techniques to plan and manage the elicitation (draw out information or a response to gain understanding of the organizational problem/opportunity) process. Business analysis studies argue that 60-70 percent of projects that fail to deliver on time or on budget are victims of inadequate requirements. More positively noted, improvements in documentation, communication, and management of requirements (e.g. thorough elicitation) lead to increased project successes. This course not only builds on related certificate program courses but teaches a formal process—from building the necessary project team to sign-offs of all key individual/department team members.
MGMT X 430.711 Business Analysis Fundamentals and MGMT X 430.712 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Essentials, or consent of instructor. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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