In-Person Classes: Expect traffic delays near Westwood this week. Allow extra time to commute.


Let your AmeriCorps service work for you.

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AmeriCorps is a service-mission-based organization in which more than 80,000 Americans participate at more than 21,000 locations annually across the United States, including building affordable housing, tutoring/mentoring, teaching and after-school programs, bettering parks and communities, and responding to natural disasters. After completing their terms of service, participants may be eligible to receive an AmeriCorps Education Award

Getting Started

1. Log in to My AmeriCorps at MyAmeriCorps website

  • Create Education Award Payment Request
  • Select "UCLA - Extension” as school name
  • Enter the school term and your authorized amount

2. Print the Education Award Payment Request.

3. Download and complete the UCLA Extension AmeriCorps Reimbursement form (pdf). 

4. When both forms are complete, submit both forms.



Award funds cannot be used to cover UCLA parking permits.

Important Notice

The AmeriCorps Segal Education Award can only be used as a means of reimbursement for course fees, required books, materials and supplies applicable toward the current academic year. Students will need to pay in advance for their UCLA Extension courses. Reimbursement occurs at the midpoint and at end of the enrolled quarter.

Contact Us

Our team members are here to help. Mon-Thur, 8am-5pm.

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Corporate Education

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